Time: 5.00 PM-7.00PM
Venue: M102
Event: Helicopters and Gyroscopes
Covered By: Mr.Prashanth and Mr.Vijay
No. of Participants: 59
Topics Covered:
Mr.Prashanth started the event with basics of Helicopters.
He explained about the basics things about helicopters like
>Aerodynamic design
Mr.Prashanth concluded the discussion with explaining the mathematics involved in lift of helicopter.
Later Mr.Vijay started his discussion with general topics of Hubble Telescope and some interesting facts
about Hubble Telescope.
He explained the various topics related to Gyroscope like
>Engineering involved in it
>Types of gyroscopes
He continued the discussion with explaining the use of gyroscope in hubble telescope.
He concluded the session by making the session a very interactive and interesting one by asking questions .related to gyroscopes.
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