September- Inauguration and enlighten
Venue - M006
Time - 2:30pm to 4:00pm
No. of participants -69
- Theme robotics has been inaugurated with a short movie on effects of global warming with a motto to save our ‘Mother EARTH’
- Presided by the Faculty Advisor Prof.Shyam Prasad.K, Dr.B.Raghu kumar , Mr.Murahari and Mr.Kishore Kumar.
- The session was enlightened by the speech of the Faculty Advisor Prof. Shyam Prasad.K, Dr. B. Raghu Kumar expressed his interest towards joining with the Student Section.
- A brief description about the Theme was given by Sandeep.K. The meeting concluded with the National Anthem.
September: Workshop on Robot Anatomy (morning session)
Venue – M006
No of participants - 77
Time - 9:30Am
Presented by : Mr.V.Venkatesh
: Mr.K.Sivaram
: Mr.K.Sandeep
- Introduction to Robotics by Sandeep.
- Topics covered are Evolution of Robotics, Laws of Robotics and Robot architecture.
- Robot Anatomy was dealt by Mr.V.Venkatesh.
- The topics covered are Basic mechanisms, Links, Joints, kinematic chains, Pairs, Lower and Higher Pairs, Manipulator construction, 2-DOF,6-DOF Manipulator, Required DOF in a manipulator.
- A Session on Mechanisms and Degrees of Freedom was presented by Mr. K.Siva ram
- Topics covered under the session are Types of mechanisms, Degrees of Freedom.
- Session on arm and wrist configuration by Mr.V.Venkatesh.
- Topics covered are types of Arm configurations and wrist configuration and end effectors.
Mr.Sivaram at the lecture |
Mr.Venkatesh instructing about the arm and wrist configurations |
The student gathering at the session |
September: Sunday (afternoon session):-Electrical basics-1
Venue – M006
Time -2:00 pm to 5:00 pm
No of participants - 79
Presented by: Mr.K. Siva Shankar
: Mr.K. Aravind
: Ms.A.Punitha
: Ms.G.VishnuPriya
- It has been a successful completion of an year since its inception on 25th September 2010 and the section has proved its potency at various junctures with persistent efforts all through the gone good days.
- It is now replenishing its aims and goals and striving for its eternity.
Ms.Punitha explaining the electrical basics |
Mr.Aravind at the session |
Celebrating our First Anniversary |
September (Monday)-5:00 to 7:00pm
- Wheel layouts
Presented by: Sarath kumar
Topics covered in the session are,
- Two Wheeled layouts
- Three wheeled layouts
- Four wheeled layouts
- Six wheeled layouts
- Shifting center of gravity and Steering
- Omni directional wheels
Mr.Sarath Kumar at the session |
September, Practical session-1
Venue: M006
Timings: 5.00pm to 7.00pm
Venue: M006
Timings: 5.00pm to 7.00pm
No. of attendees: 96
Participants are divided in to three batches-
batch for robot anatomy practicals
batch for wheel layout practicals
batch for electrical basics practicals
batch is divided into groups of five.
Robot anatomy
Incharge- Mr.Venkatesh.V
Volunteers- Mr.Sagar
Mr.Priyank kumar jain
3 experiments are provided to the students
- Chebysheus linkage mechanism
- Slider crank mechanism
- Quick return mechanism
Incharge – Mr.Sarath Kumar
Mr.Siva ram.kMr.Kishan Gupta
All the students are provided with kits and are
guided to make two wheeled robots and four wheeled robots.
Incharge - Mr.Anup
Volunteers - Mr.Siva Shankar
Ms.Vishnu priya
The following experiments are covered-
of MultiMeter
construction of circuits on bread board
of resistors ,capacitors ,inductors ,LDR’s ,LED’s
The facutly advisor Prof. Shyam prasad with the students who constructed a four wheeled bot. |
An enthusiastic team working together |
September, Practical session
Venue: M006, M101, M102
No. of attendees: 99
- The director of IGIAT (Indo German Institute for Advanced technology) Mr.Srinivasa Murthy was elated to see the studentss working after the college hours.
- He was delighted to see students from different departments gathered together and learning new things which were being taught by the students.
- He addressed the students about the importance of being multidisciplinary and about the industry’s requirement of multidisciplinary engineers.
- He gave the students some practical questions to answer
Mr.Srinivasa Murthy, Director of IGIAT (on the center) exchanging views with the faculty Advisor Prof. Shyam Prasad(on the right). The theme Coordinator Mr. Sandeep is also seen in the picture. |
The guest Mr.Srinivasa Murthy addressing the students |
Mr.Srinivasa Murthy, the director of IGIAT interacting with the students |
30th September, Friday-5:00pm to 6:00pm:
Motion and Motor control: presented by Kishan Gupta.
No of attendees - 75
Topics covered are
- Actuators and its types
- How to choose an Actuator
- Motors and its types
- Pneumatics and Hydraulics
- Linear Actuators
Mr.Kishan Gupta at the lecture |
Organised by Sarath,Venkatesh, Siva ram
Organised by Sarath,Venkatesh, Siva ram
Venue: M006
Timings: 5.00pm to 7.20pm
Timings: 5.00pm to 7.20pm
No of participants: 75
Quiz-1 is conducted based on Robot Anatomy, Wheel
Layouts and Electric basis-1.
Total of 30 questions are given based on the
concepts that are covered in the class
The students taking up the Quiz 1 at the session |
Workshop on Walkers
Date and Day:17th
Venue- M006
Venue- M006
No of participants- 86
Presented by Mr.Surya Teja
Presented by Mr.Surya Teja
Topics covered are,
- Evolutionary Robots
- Bipedal Walking
- Walking Robots
- Mechanism behind walking robots
- Biologically inspired robot
Mr.Surya Teja lecturing on the walkers |
Power Transfer Devices:
Presented by : Sandeep.K
: Priyank
Kumar Jain
: Sagar
Date and Day:18thOctober (Tuesday)
Date and Day:18thOctober (Tuesday)
No of participants -83
Topics covered are,
Topics covered are,
1. Direct power transfer devices
- Couplings.
- Rigid, Flexible.
- All types of couplings and applications.
2. Indirect power transfer devices
- Chains, belts, gears, gear trains
Mr.Sandeep demonstrating the models |
Electrical basics-2 :
Date and Day:19th and 20th October(Wednesday, Thursday)
Date and Day:19th and 20th October(Wednesday, Thursday)
Presented by: Santosh
: Anup
No of participants - 85
Topics covered are,
systems and its types
gates-combinational circuits
Practical circuiting elements
Timers, Astable, Monostable
pin description
LDR (light
dependent resistor)
(as comparator)
voltage regulator
Introduction to Microcontrollers:
Date and Day: 21st
Presented by: Manish
: Santosh
No of participants -63
Topics covered are
Basics of Electrical systems
Basics of Microcontroller
Code Vision AUR (CXAUR)
Chip, Port
Workshop on Microcontroller:
Date and Day: 22ndSaturday and 23rd Sunday (Morning session)
Date and Day: 22ndSaturday and 23rd Sunday (Morning session)
Presented by: Manish
: Santosh
Topics covered are
Introduction to Atmega16 Microcontroller
Pin configuration
Digital input and output port
I/O ports
LCD interfacing
Circuit connections
Setting up in Microcontroller
Session was attended by
totally “25” students on Friday and "40" on Sunday.
Practicals on
Presented by: Manish and Santosh
Date and Day:23rd October,Sunday
Presented by: Manish and Santosh
Date and Day:23rd October,Sunday
No of participants: 42
Entire strength is made
into 13 batches.
The following
experiments are done during the session
Using Code vision AVR
Controlling a motor speed
Interfacing the uC with LCD
Interfacing the uC with TV Remote
Students at the lecture |
session on Power transfer devices:
24th October ,Monday-5:00 to 7:00pm
Presenters: Sandeep.K
24th October ,Monday-5:00 to 7:00pm
Presenters: Sandeep.K
: Siva ram
: Venkatesh.V
session on micro controller :Surya Teja
No of participants -47
The students who are
present in the previous practical session are forwarded to Practical’s on power
Transfer devices and remaining for
Practical’s on Micro controllers
In this practical
session on power transfer devices ,every batch
is provided with dismantled parts of a pick and place robot. They are
guided to make the robot
This session is very
interesting as they had a great experience of making their own pick and place robot.
Snacks are provided to the student.
October ,Thursday -5:00pmto 6:30pm:-
Talk on Wireless
Communication-1: By Anil ,Salman and Santosh
The topics covered are
Basics of wireless communication
This session is totally
attended by”26”students.
October Thursday-6:30pm to 7:15pm:-
Quiz-2 by Venkatesh.V
This Quiz is based on
Power transfer devices, motion, motor control and basics of Micro controller.
A total of 20 Questions
based totally on the Concepts taught in the class.
At the end , Question
paper is discussed for clarification of student’s doubts.
Snacks is provided to
the student.
October Monday-5:15 PM to 6:20 PM
Talk on wireless
Presented by -Anil ,
No of participants-26
Topics covered are
Different frequency ranges used for
wireless communication
Different types of modules used for
wireless communication
Session is very
informative and interactive
October Monday-6:20 PM to 7:20 PM
QUIZ Final-
15 members got selected to final round
11 students have attended the quiz
They are made into 4 groups
3groups each of 3 participants and 1 group of 2 participants
Quiz final was
conducted in 2 rounds
1st round is
oral round –
each question carries 3
marks and pass question carries 1 mark
2nd round
–video round
A video is shown and
questions were asked based on the video
Each question carries 5
Final winner is team -4
Satya sri from III/IV Btech
K.Vakula from II/IV Btech
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